Tuesday, April 21, 2009



This news is delicious that Meatless Monday: An Old-Fashioned Idea,and Tahini for Breakfast


It’s that time of the week again: Meatless Monday! While the initiative has recently become popular once again, Meatless Monday is actually a pretty old-fashioned idea! It was first encouraged by the USDA during World War I in an effort to conserve food for US troops fighting overseas, along with Wheatless Wednesday. The campaign was brought back for the same reasons during World War II, along with sugar and gasoline rations.

We might not be in war-time conservation mode right now, but the country’s current climate bears many similarities: Everyone is looking for ways to conserve and cut back. We’re also eager to contribute towards ways to win a different kind of battle, that is, the one against global warming. Many people are even growing their ownVictory Gardens!